About a year ago, I got fed up with just sitting around at home thinking of all the programming I could be doing, instead of watching TV-series. Triggered by a tweet someone in my feed retweeted, I decided to start with the project. The tweet was something like Make a game, not an engine, which made me realize that I had made two or three more or less working engines, but never actually used them.
Since demicode have been more or less dormant for the last couple of years, due to me having a day job to pay my rent , this site will change. From not being used at all my intention is now to use this blog as a outlet for all my programming related blogging. I realized that incorporating such blog posts in my more personal blog, that I’ve had since the beginning of the previous decade, was not really what my handful of readers would appreciate.
Last weekend I had a meeting with my game designer friend at antroia where we decided what our next game should be. This time we could actually test the game play in analog form without the need of a prototype, and we both agreed that this game have the potential to be really good.
Since this game is more about thought and less about brainless poking the screen, I can cut the production time quite a bit.
The plan was to update this page and have it at a near-final state when the games was released, but time as it seems, flies. None of the sites I’ve made have ever had a final state anyway, so this site will probably be it constant change, just like the web is supposed to be.
My first game is now available in the AppStore! Only in Australia for now, but within a day it will be available in an AppStore near you.
After realizing that using drupal would be to aim a bit too high, I decided to use a more fitting system for this site. Due to laziness and recent work with other things, the game I’ve been working on has been postponed for quite some time now. We now aim to release it some time in the coming month, that is some time in January 2010, depending on how long it takes for apple to approve it.